

凱薩琳費里曼(Kathleen Freeman)

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此人叫作凱薩琳費里曼(Kathleen Freeman)。20018月,當她以東尼獎提名角色——《一脫到底》 的珍妮特登上百老匯舞台時,同年也因肺癌逝世。






I shall never miss a performance.


I shall play every performance with energy, enthusiasm and to the best of my ability regardless of size of audience, personal illness, bad weather, accident, or even death in my family.


I shall forego all social activities which interfere with rehearsals or any other scheduled work at the theatre, and I shall always be on time.


I shall never make a curtain late by my failure to be ready on time.


I shall never miss an entrance.


I shall never leave the theatre building or the stage area until I have completed my performance, unless I am specifically excused by the stage manager; curtain calls are a part of the show.


I shall not let the comments of friends, relatives or critics change any phase of my work without proper consultation; I shall not change lines, business, lights, properties, settings or costumes or any phase of the production without consultation with and permission of my director or producer or their agents, and I shall inform all people concerned.


I shall forego the gratification of my ego for the demands of the play.


I shall remember my business is to create illusion; therefore, I shall not break the illusion by appearing in costume and makeup off-stage or outside the theatre.

10  我應該接受導演或製作人的建議及精神上的忠告,因為他們是在前面看製作整體及我的演出的人。

I shall accept my director’s and producer’s advice and counsel in the spirit in which it is given, for they can see the production as a whole and my work from the front.

11  身為觀眾欣賞其他藝術家演出時我絕不假裝反應,也不會出於嫉妒或欲展現聰明而刻薄地批評他人。

I shall never put on an act while viewing other artists work as a member of an audience, nor shall I make caustic criticism from jealousy or for the sake of being smart.

12  我應當尊敬作品及劇作家,並且永遠記得「藝術作品在完成的那一刻才算真正完成」,在戲劇排練的過程中絕不批評一部作品。

I shall respect the play and the playwright and, remembering that a work of art is not a work of art until it is finished, I shall not condemn a play while it is in rehearsal.

13  我絕不散播謠言或惡意傳聞,這往往令我的演出被抹黑、使劇場或是任何有關的個人信譽掃地——不論團體內外。

I shall not spread rumor or gossip which is malicious and tends to reflect discredit on my show, the theatre, or any personnel connected with them-either to people inside or outside the group.

14  因為我尊重我所工作的劇場,所以我會盡力使我的工作環境井然有序並且乾淨,不論我是否被分派到這項工作。

Since I respect the theatre in which I work, I shall do my best to keep it looking clean, orderly and attractive regardless of whether I am specifically assigned to such work or not.

15  我會謹慎地處理道具及服裝,因為我知道這是我專業工作的一部份,也是實物製作的重要組成部分。

I shall handle stage properties and costumes with care for I know they are part of the tools of my trade and are a vital part of the physical production.

16  我應當保持儀態,遵循普遍的禮儀規則(尤其時常接觸群眾的這麼一個職業)。無論我在哪個劇場工作,我都應遵循劇場本身的規則。I shall follow rules of courtesy, deportment and common decency applicable in all walks of life (and especially in a business in close contact with the public) when I am in the theatre, and I shall observe the rules and regulations of any specific theatre where I work.

17  我永遠不因沮喪而失去我對劇場的熱情。I shall never lose my enthusiasm for theatre because of disappointments.




凱薩琳費里曼(Kathleen Freeman


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